Work Item presentation

Look at Work Items from different perspectives.

Your way of seeing work

One of the main goals of Timebook is to enable you to work in your preferred style. This includes work management, and that's why we give you several tools to customize how you see your Work Items.

We want to give you the freedom to adjust your work focus. This means you can decide which items are displayed and select a layout that works best in a given context. This should help you maintain control over your workload with less effort.

An overview of Work Item presentation options in Timebook
See your work from different perspectives with views, filters, and layouts.

Some of the features listed below are not exclusive to the Work Management modules of Timebook.

You might, for example, use filters in or save a custom view in .

What options are there?

Customize layouts to get a better overview of your work. Learn more: Layouts

Visualize your work schedule over time with a specialized layout. Learn more: Calendar layout

Build a map of Work Items for your project with a specialized layout. Learn more: Story Map layout

Compare the duration and chronology of your Work Items. Learn more: Timeline layout

Narrow down your focus when working with a large set of work data. Learn more: Filters

Get a customized picture of your work and save it for later use. Learn more: Views

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