Create templates

Build a Page template for future use.

You can expand the number of templates available to all members of your by creating new ones. There are two different ways to achieve that - you can build templates from scratch or save an existing as a template.

Creating templates in Timebook
This is how you build a template from scratch in Timebook.
Create a template in the Template Center
  1. Open the Template Center in the bottom-left corner of the Navigator.

  2. Press the [+] button next to the search bar on the left to create a new template.

  3. Give your template a meaningful name.

  4. You can use the [Description] and [Use case] fields to provide additional information about the template's purpose.

  5. Use the working area to fill the template with content. Here, you can use all the available for Timebook Pages.

  6. Press [Save] when the template is ready.

Note: You can pick an icon for your template (next to the page name) to make it stand out.

Save a Page as a template
  1. Open one of your in the Navigator.

  2. Open the [Documents] section and select one of the available Pages.

  3. Open the [Meatballs] menu in the top-right corner of the Page.

  4. Select the [Save as template] option.

  5. In the editor, give your template a meaningful name. Also, you can make changes to the contents if you wish.

  6. Press [Save] when the template is ready.

Regardless of the creation method, all new templates are saved in the [Workplace templates] section of the Template Center.

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Pages Page options Blocks

Last updated