
Review Page content and submit your feedback using Timebook comments.

Adding and resolving comments is critical when collaborating on a piece of content. In Timebook, you can add comments to specific content or the whole .

Also, we want to make feedback management simple. That's why each Page has its own Comment Hub where you can handle all comments in one place.

Use the Comment Hub

Each Page has its own Hub that displays all comments. Open it by pressing the [See comments] button in the top-right corner of the Page. This allows you to see both the Page's contents and the comments.

Try the following features of the Comment Hub:

  • use the standard options of replying, editing, resolving, and deleting comments,

  • track [Block comments] and [Page comments] in separate tabs,

  • access the [Resolved] tab to see past comment threads,

  • press the heading of a Block comment to jump to the piece of content that was commented on.

Block comments

You can comment on a selected piece of text; this is what we call a Block comment. This is most useful when providing feedback or asking questions about a specific part of the content.

Add a Block comment
  1. Highlight a piece of text in a .

  2. Select [Comment] from the context menu.

  3. Type your comment. You can also add an attachment or mention someone in the comment.

  4. Press [Send] to submit your comment. The piece of text you commented on is now highlighted for easier identification.

You can press on a highlighted part of the text to open a pop-up showing the corresponding comment. Use the pop-up to reply to, edit, resolve, or delete the comment.

Page comments

You can provide feedback to a Page as a whole; this is what we call a Page comment. This is most useful when discussing general issues with other collaborators rather than focusing on specific content.

Add a Page comment
  1. Press the [See comments] button in the top-right corner to open the Comment Hub.

  2. Go to the [Page comments] tab.

  3. Type your comment in the text field at the top. You can also add an attachment or mention someone in the comment.

  4. Press [Send] to submit your comment.

You can view and manage Page comments only in the dedicated tab of the Comment Hub.

Note the difference between available options when deleting comments.

[Delete] only removes a single comment made in reply to an earlier comment.

[Delete thread] removes the original comment AND all other comments added in reply.

Related articles:

Pages Blocks

Last updated